"Active Galaxies with radio jets in TGSS-GMRT explored through RAD@home citizen science" Rupali N. Hatte (1,2), Ananda Hota (3,2), Harish Dubey (1), Vijay Jadhav (1), Arundhati Purohit (2) (Conference Paper submitted)
New structures in radio galaxies with RAD@home citizen science, GMRT and LOFAR radio telescopes Prasun Machado, Ananda Hota, Binayak Ashis Pati, Joydeep Das, Aditya Sahasranshu, Prakash Apoorva, Aarti Muley, Arundhati Purohit (Under review in the Proceedings of the conference RAM-2024)
Human resource development in astronomy: an Indian perspective J. S. Bagla, Mousumi Das, Abhirup Datta, Rupjyoti Gogoi, Ananda Hota, Ajit Kembhavi, Manzoor A. Malik, R. Misra, Archana Pai, Shashi Bhushan Pandey, S. K. Pandey, Shantanu Rastogi, C. D. Ravikumar (in press, in the Springer-Nature Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy in the special issue on ASI vision)
ASI Vision Document 2022–2023: Galaxies, Clusters, and Intergalactic Medium Ruta Kale, Sowgat Muzahid ... Ananda Hota et al. ( under review in the Springer-Nature Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy in the special issue on ASI vision)
Supermassive Black Holes & Active Galactic Nuclei Gulab C. Dewangan .... Ananda Hota .... et al. submitted to the Springer-Nature Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy in the special issue on ASI vision
Ten years of searching for relics of AGN jet feedback through RAD@home citizen science Hota, Ananda; Dabhade, Pratik; Machado, Prasun; Kumar, Avinash; Avinash, Ck.; Manaswini, Ninisha; Das, Joydeep; Sethi, Sagar; Sahoo, Sumanta; Dubal, Shilpa; Dharmik Bhoga, Sai Arun; Navaneeth, P. K.; Konar, C.; Pal, Sabyasachi; Vaddi, Sravani; Apoorva, Prakash; Rajoria, Megha; Purohit, Arundhati (in press in the Springer-Nature Conference Proceeding ISRA-2023) (https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.10294)
Emergence of Decentralized Data-driven Citizen Science-assisted Research in Astrophysics Ananda Hota, Arundhati Purohit; Chapter in the book titled "Futuristic Trends in Physical Sciences" published by Iterative International Publishers (IIP)
RAD@home Inter-University Collaboratory for citizen science in galaxy evolution with multi wavelength RGB images Rajoria, Megha; Purohit, Arundhati; Hota, Ananda 2023IAUS..375...42R2023 doi:10.1017/S1743921323000686
RAD@home RGB-maker web-tool for citizen science research in multi-wavelength study of AGNs with radio jets Kumar, Avinash; Avinash, Ck.; Purohit, Arundhati; Hota, Ananda 2023IAUS..375...40K2023 doi:10.1017/S1743921323000674
RAD@home discovery of a one-sided radio jet hitting the companion galaxy Hota, Ananda; Dabhade, Pratik; Vaddi, Sravani 2023IAUS..375...35H2023 doi:10.1017/S1743921323000820
RAD@home citizen science discovery of an active galactic nucleus spewing a large unipolar radio bubble on to its merging companion galaxy Hota, Ananda; Dabhade, Pratik; Vaddi, Sravani; Konar, Chiranjib; Pal, Sabyasachi; Gulati, Mamta; Stalin, C. S.; Avinash, Ck; Kumar, Avinash; Rajoria, Megha; Purohit, Arundhati 2022MNRAS.517L..86H2022/11 https://academic.oup.com/mnrasl/article/517/1/L86/6755525 (Press Releaseshttps://radathomeindia.org/press-release)
"#RADatHomeIndia a Collaboratory Model of Citizen Science Research" by Ananda Hota published by the Office of Astronomy for Education of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in the Proceeding of the 3rd Shaw-IAU workshop on Astronomy for Education held 12 – 15 October, 2021. https://astro4edu.org/media/documents/CitizenScience_mini_review.pdf
"#RADatHomeIndia : A pandemic-proof model for citizen science research and discoveries using GMRT promoting #AstroAtHome" Akshat Mishra, Ananda Hota, Avinash Kumar, Avinash Ck.,, Megha Rajoria, Preet Agnihotri, Apoorva Prakash, Rohith Sai Shashank, Joydeep Naskar, Chiranjibi Kunda, Dwiti Krushna Das, Arundhati Purohit. Proc. of the Communicating Astronomy with the Public May 2021 Virtual Edition
Tracking Galaxy Evolution Through Low-Frequency Radio Continuum Observations using SKA and Citizen-Science Research using Multi-Wavelength Data Hota, Ananda; Konar, C.; Stalin, C. S.; Vaddi, Sravani; Mohanty, Pradeepta K.; Dabhade, Pratik; Dharmik Bhoga, Sai Arun; Rajoria, Megha; Sethi, Sagar 2016JApA...37...41H2016/12 https://www.ias.ac.in/article/fulltext/joaa/037/04/0041
New results on the exotic galaxy `Speca' and discovering many more Specas with RAD@home network Hota, Ananda; Croston, Judith H.; Ohyama, Youichi; Stalin, C. S.; Hardcastle, Martin J.; Konar, Chiranjib; Aravind, R. P.; Agarwal, Sheena M.; Dharmik Bhoga, Sai Arun; Dabhade, Pratik; Kamble, Amit A.; Mohanty, Pradeepta K.; Mukherjee, Alok; Pandey, Akansha V.; Patra, Alakananda; Pechetti, Renuka; Raut, Shrishail S.; Sushma, V.; Vaddi, Sravani; Verma, Nishchhal 2014ASInC..13..141H2014 (https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014ASInC..13..141H/abstract)
GMRT Observation of Objects Discovered by RAD@home Astronomy Collaboratory, India
GMRT Observation of Objects Discovered by RAD@home Astronomy Collaboratory, India (GOODRAC): Faint Fuzzy TGSS-NVSS sources as tracers of fading AGNs in evolving galaxies
GMRT Observation of Objects Discovered by RAD@home Astronomy Collaboratory, India (GOODRAC): In search of radio phoenix around bent lobe radio galaxies and associated clusters
GMRT Observation of Objects Discovered by RAD@home Astronomy Collaboratory, India (GOODRAC): New Cluster-relics or revived relic-lobes
GMRT Observation of Objects Discovered by RAD@home Astronomy Collaboratory, India (GOODRAC)
NAOJ@Japan "Looking for “smoking gun” evidences of AGN-feedback with #RADatHomeIndia citizen science collaboratory" at GALAXY EVOLUTION WORKSHOP 2021 by ASIAA (Taiwan) and NAJO (Japan)
Abstract Accepted for a book chapter in the next SKA-science book titled "Searching relics of AGN jet feedback through RAD@home citizen science research in the SKA era"